My Hair Transplant Experience


My Hair Transplant Experience

My Personal Experience

I started losing my hair as a Norwood 6 in my late teens and had been mostly bald since my mid-twenties. I'm 32 years old now. After much deliberation, I decided to go with a hair transplant. I looked into the best doctors and landed on Hasson & Wong. The rave evaluations for their megasessions really pleased me.

The day before my operation, I travelled into Vancouver for the first time and met Dr. Hasson. He looked at my hair and we spoke about what we should do the next morning. The goal was to collect as many grafts as possible while aiming for a good balance of density and coverage.

Dr. Hasson struck me as the real deal right away: bright, eloquent, confident, competent, and experienced. I felt certain that I was in capable hands.

5599 hair transplant grafts were transplanted before and after.

Total number of grafts: 5599

9200 total hairs

1.64 hairs per graft removed on average

Good hair quality (coarse)

"In approximately 5 months, I went from being almost entirely bald to having a nice head of hair. I'm so pleased I went ahead and had the hair transplant. It was well worth the money."


Dr. Hasson began building my new hairline the next morning, which is a highly important phase in the HT. We proceeded with cutting the FUT strip since I was pleased with the design. Although the cutting and stapling took a long time, it was not uncomfortable. Dr. Hasson made around 3400 incisions on the top of my head (I was given a counter), and the technicians then began the implantation. Dr. Hasson returned back a few hours later and performed another 1400 incisions, bringing the total to over 4800.

Patient on the day of surgery for a hair transplant There are 5599 grafts in all. FUT hairline of a 5599-graft hair transplant patient on the day of surgery

Dr. Hasson was able to achieve a high graft count (5599 grafts). Although the hair-to-graft ratio was lower than I'd wanted (1.64; 9200 hairs), he was able to cover almost two-thirds of my scalp, which I was pleased with given the amount of space we had to cover.

Throughout the procedure, the hair transplant professionals were really kind and helpful, even when I had neck pain (from previous disc herniation). Around 10 p.m., we completed the procedure. The first night was difficult and painful, but I got a few hours of sleep. The next afternoon, I went in for a cleaning. Everything appeared to be in order. I stayed in Vancouver for one more night before flying home early the next morning.


The first 8-9 days of recuperation were very difficult. For the first 12 days, I felt agony along the edges of the donor region, which were covered in black scabs (dried blood). I also got a significant amount of ache in the crown of my head. For the first week, I slept sitting up and tended to my scalp 24 hours a day. From day 3 to day 5, I noticed some face edema.

On day 15, the implanted hairs began to come out. By week 5, I had probably shed two-thirds of the freshly implanted hairs. I also had some shock loss above the ears at the donor location, but I took sure to maintain the hair on the sides longer to hide it. Around month 4, the hair in the shock loss region began to recover, and the scar grew less obvious by the week.


I had mentally prepared myself for a four-month ugly duckling phase, but I was well off the mark. After only TWO MONTHS, I noticed new hairs sprouting on the top of my head. By four months, I'd grown a large amount of new hair in the front, which had previously been entirely bald. (By the way, the first two months weren't really that awful; a hat helped a lot.)

A TRANSFORMATION has already occurred after only five months! I didn't anticipate such rapid development. My hair was growing in thickly, and the new hairline had given my face a new frame. I was intentionally leaving the home without a hat for the first time in over a decade. I was thrilled with the outcomes, and even more so that they arrived so soon!

I had forgotten what it was like to be bald by the sixth month. It was a genuinely unforgettable experience. It's been eight months, and the hair is still thickening and new hairs are sprouting.

Before and after hair transplant surgery on the right temple of a patient.


But here's what's most amazing about the entire procedure: My hairline is much better today than it was when I first started losing hair! When it comes to constructing the new hairline, it's difficult to exaggerate the value of a surgeon's talent, and I'm only one of many cases that illustrate Dr. Hasson is unrivaled.

It was a bit of a leap of faith at first, but I'm so pleased I went ahead with the hair transplant. And I'm very glad I went with Hasson & Wong. Dr. Hasson is an exceptional hair surgeon who is in a class by himself, and his crew is equally impressive. They went above and beyond my expectations. I would strongly advise anyone contemplating an HT to give H&W significant consideration. They are, in my opinion, the greatest of the best.
